Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog #4

I have been able to see the advancement of technology in the classrooms across UAA, as well as in the practicum at Service High. I think it is a great idea that has been incorporated into the classrooms across the ASD. I feel that within my classroom, it has been unique in being able to see that the teacher is able to show video clips at the touch of a button, as well as see other teachers implement the touch screen ability for presentations. I feel technology is a great thing that has been brought into the classroom, further bringing engagement into the classroom for active participation. It is easy to see that technology is the way of the where we are headed in the future and it not only interests students, but makes them understand this concept as well. I know at my practicum the teacher had the students put together a song and some pictures for a slide presentation, having them use the technology and asking questions for designing their productions.

Language variation is very unique within autism students. I see varied cultures and backgrounds of an Australian, Native, Asian, Korean, and other students (social variation). Some of the students have a difficult talking, however sometimes they are hard to understand under their impairment of shyness and indirect engagement/involvement. It is a definite speech community dealing with shared linguistic norms and ideologies when they talk, sometimes in just fragments about different areas of discourse. I know if there were more students, I would be able to see code switching presented, however was able to see one of the students reading something in another language, but I didn’t think to ask her what the article was about. This makes me think she speaks one language with her family, and English with the rest of who she interacts with. I would speak more about social interaction and how it impacts the way we speak, however I believe all of us have experienced words, phrases, sayings which friends and other people have said, even in exotic places from strangers because we thought it was interesting, (coining, language contact) etc. I see that some of use the social variation with whoever we are around, and for the students today, standard English is the best way for them to learn and succeed in today’s society. I see that my teacher sometimes stresses when unsure about what he will be doing incorporating technology with the computer and smart board, but it is something we must all deal with. Dealing more with language variation, I see that the students conform more to the teacher when asking questions and presenting themselves, than with fellow students. Maybe there is something called “speech code?” (Only kidding).


  1. Although it is fascinating and (somewhat) exciting to see the advancements of technology in the classroom, I would have to disagree with its use. It is one thing to teach students and give students an opportunity to express themselves via technology but its another to let them have full range with this--a lot of students now days are using the internet solely in terms of finding articles for research etc. and spending less time finding books and other periodicals to help them. Call me crazy, but this makes me fearful for the "old" things like libraries and newspapers..

  2. If you have ever had the opportunity to see a autistic child use a dynavox. Its an interesting piece of technology that allows students who do not speak - to communicate. It uses picture icons to speak with. A student who doesn't speak English well - may be able to use that to communicate with - milk is milk in a picture that most students recognize. So in the event that an autistic student who doesn't speak English well - may be able to use a dynavox to translate for them -

    just a thought -
    hope you had a good day! - :)

  3. LadyR - I would have to express similar concern about the Dynavox that Danii expressed about technology in general. I was speaking to the therapist I observe about this issue, and she agrees that it has its place, BUT is very easy to abuse. She had a child who used a Dynavox at school and was praised every time he even tried to push a button; however, in therapy, they had higher standards for him and pushed him out of his comfort zone, making him talk where appropriate and getting more out of him than his teachers at school did. Dynavoxes seem to be useful, but only if monitored and with the goal of rehabilitation where appropriate.

    On the other hand, technology in general seems to be good for those who have problems speaking publicly, or who have varying abilities to learn. In the clinic, children have been put on two computers in the same room, learning and interacting with something completely different through the magic of headphones and personal monitors. I am definitely a fan of selective use of technology in the classroom.

  4. Danii – I agree with you that the advancements of technology are great, but the uses of it vary dealing with the purposes. I also think that students do too much research on the web and that articles are just printed off so students can site them. I also see a plus side to the library and newspapers which students don’t use as much anymore being that the articles being scanned and saved for online development is a plus to save the paper. There is also on my mind the idea that scanning the books and articles into the web archives is bad because I think it really is beneficial to go to a library to do research. I went to the library myself this past week to check out a book dealing with Native Lit. and there were tons of books and ideas closely relating to what I wanted to read. These books at my fingertips were not something I could have found online.

    Ladyrhavyn – I haven’t seen a dynavox used before, but have heard of them. I just got looking up on youtube what the device is and how they are used. They are a very useful technology…I think in my class only one student would use that machine, but it is the student I have talked about all semester coming out of his shell. He now whispers when he wants to talk, but that goes for students and colleagues who have a closer bond with him at school. I have heard stories that at home he is normal? However that works. Thanks for tuning me into the dynavox idea!

    IO Kat – I think it is a great point you brought up dealing with the dynavox and how students can become self-reliant upon the era of technology. It is bad for students to get “praised” on their achievements. I am glad the therapists made the student talk more and get him outside of his comfort zone. This is one of the best way to get someone to do something to overcome their fears and reach their goals. I also think rehabilitation is fine to use dynavox’s with, however to allow someone to use the technology all the time for comfort purposes seems ridiculous. I think personal interaction would be best for the students to engage and overcome their autistic impairments?

    Overall-technology has it’s great skills, but then on the other hand it can be overused and we never know how reliable it will be. I wonder with language variation how students speak to their parents and siblings…that is to say it would be interesting to see how the interaction works with select students because of their acquired speaking abilities.
